Changeset [c6f4d8add0cc2223636d6a66105b20089f1b5890] by Dmitriy Kopylenko

September 15th, 2008 @ 02:10 PM

Added latest projects feed [#9 state:resolved]

Note: the latest members and projects stream (and feed) now contains data for the past day and not past seven days as before.

Committed by Dmitriy Kopylenko

  • M grails-app/conf/UrlMappings.groovy
  • M grails-app/controllers/GrailsProjectController.groovy
  • M grails-app/controllers/MemberController.groovy
  • M grails-app/views/grailsProject/viewProject.gsp
  • M grails-app/views/public/home.gsp
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